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Showing posts from October, 2013

HAN scale for mask ventilation

HAN scale for mask ventilation  Grade 1: Ventilated by mask Grade 2 :Ventilated by mask with oral airway/adjuvant with or without muscle relaxant Grade 3 :Difficult ventilation (inadequate, unstable, or requiring two providers) with or without muscle relaxant Grade 4: Unable to mask ventilate with or without muscle relaxant. Han et al. Anesthesiology 2004 101: 267.

The epidural Re-dose checklist....

The Epidural Re-Dose Checklist – this checklist will assist you in epidural labor analgesia management.    Is the patient experiencing pain or discomfort?    Is her pain Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) ≥ 4 (out of 10)?    Did the patient obtain previous relief with the current epidural catheter?    Does the patient have a bilateral T-10 level?    When was the patient’s last vaginal exam? What is her cervical dilatation?    Does the patient have complete cervical dilatation? Is it time to push?    Does the patient have a full bladder? Does her bladder need emptied?    Does the patient have a 1-sided block? Is she turning every hour?    Is the PCEA infusion running/working adequately?    Is patient pushing her PCEA button appropriately?    Has dyst...

Reaction to protamine...the risk factors

Condition Risk Increase Prior reaction to protamine 189-fold Allergy to true ( vertebrate ) fish 24.5-fold Exposure to NPH insulin 8.2-fold Allergy to any drug 3-fold Prior exposure to protamine No increase ! Adapted from Kimmel SE, Sekeres MA, Berlin JA, et al. Risk factors for clinically important adverse events after protamine administration following CPB. J Am Coll Card 1998;32:1916