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I just Got my ipad...and I looked for the best Medical Applications.

here is one of the Top 10 ranked Med-Apps,as per

Surley it is good for anesthesiologists and intensivists


iLarynx has to be one of the most ingenious iPad medical apps we’ve seen in the App Store. The idea itself is the focal point, whereas the practicality of the app needs more work. The premise of the the app is you are about to intubate with fiberoptic laryngoscopy — and you have to use the iPad’s accelerometer as well as on screen buttons to manipulate the scope in order to secure the airway.

one of the users said:

"I’ve used a fiberoptic scope to intubate before, and I must admit, this app does offer a relatively accurate description of how the scope manipulates. However, there are a massive amount of variables not taken into account: namely, not everyone intubates with fiberoptic scopes at the head of the bed. These things as an aside, it should again be emphasized that this is one of the most ingenious app ideas we’ve seen for the iPad."


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