chronic postoperative pain
commonly associated with thoracotomy, hernia repair, pyloromyotomy, and amputation.
Prevalence after thoracotomy 57% at 7 to 12 mo (decreases over time, but 21% of patients report persistent pain after 6-7 yr)
Risk after inguinal herniorrhaphy ≈12% (possibly less with laparoscopy); cutaneous sensory abnormalities do not correlate with severity of nerve damage
Children diagnosed with pyloric stenosis in infancy had 4-fold greater risk of reporting chronic abdominal pain several years later, compared to controls (may be associated with gastric suctioning)
Amputation: acute phantom limb pain best predictor of chronic phantom limb pain at 6 mo and 1 yr; preamputation pain best predictor of chronic phantom limb pain at 2 yr; acute residual limb pain good predictor of chronic residual limb pain
I see now. So that's what chronic post operative pain is. I'm glad my pain didn't led to this stage. Thanks for the information though.