The BP-lowering effect of labetalol begins within 2 to 5 minutes after its IV administration, reaching a peak at 5 to 15 minutes, and lasting for about 2 to 4 hours.
Because of its beta blocking effects ,heart rate is either maintained or slightly reduced. This is contrary to frequent teaching or apprehensive tendencies held by many clinicians and nurses to not administer or withdraw labetalol for concerns of both bradycardia and myocardial depression.
Unlike pure beta blocking agent, which decrease CO, labetalol maintains CO.
Labetalol reduces systemic vascular resistance without reducing total peripheral blood flow. In addition, cerebral, renal, and coronary blood flows are maintained.
Pearce CJ, Wallin JD. Labetalol and other agents that block both alpha- and betaadrenergic receptors
Cleve Clin J Med. 1994;61:59–69.
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